
Caden has been really picking up on his interactions with everyone around him. His personality is starting to show and he is such a joy to interact with. Caden rolled over from his back to his belly twice on Saturday afternoon. He is becoming more mobile by rolling back and forth while pushing himself with his feet. We can put him on his blanket in the floor and he will be off of it in minutes. He smiles a bunch, except when we go at him with that mean old suction machine. He knows when it is coming too. He will start shaking his head back and forth and banging his hand on his leg to tell us he does not like that thing. The only exception to this is when he goes a little too long without being suctioned gets to gagging. This normally comes during or right after a feeding when he has one of the retching spells. Praise God, the retching spells are getting less frequent over all.

Thank You

I want to thank all of you faithful visitors to this web site. I also want to thank you for taking time to visit my other blogs The Land of Ozz, Grill’n Time, and The Tech Land of Ozz. I encourage you to visit these sites if you have not already. I have posted just about as much content on my other sites as I have this one. I work pretty hard to find content for the other sites to attract visitors that might generate a little revenue from the ads.

I appreciate those of you who have used the ads on the side bars of my sites. I even make a little off of the use of the Google and Amazon search bars. gives me an average of about 5% commission for any purchases made as a result of going through one of my links or search bars. I found out from talking to a good friend this week that realizes that I can make money off of the purchases through the Amazon search bar. I have been doing this for about six years with Amazon links on my web sites. Amazon direct deposits my commission right into my bank account once per quarter. I love to share this technology with people. This is largely what you learn if you go to one of those traveling seminars on “How-to make money on the Internet”. Drop me an email if you have something you want to put on the Internet and are interested in learning about how to make a few bucks. You generally can not make living at posting ads on a web site, but you might be surprised as to how much you can make if you get creative. I can also help you set up online shopping carts if you have a product or service that you want to sell direct or through auctions on the Internet.


I have one other note to share. Today I got my first story published on a very popular geek site. You can read the details and find a link the article on The Land of Ozz page by clicking here.

Don’t forget to check out the update below concerning the Medicaid Waiver.

Thanks again.

God bless.