I know that is a gross word, but “goobers” best describes this month for Caden. Caden has been cutting molars this past week which definitely increases the goobers. Yes that was plural, he has been cutting multiple molars this week. He started pretty much on Sherry’s birthday with the teeth cutting thing. She was quick to remind me that he did the same thing last year. It was a little too hard for me to remember Caden cutting teeth last year since that was the week Caden’s heart stopped beating during a heart cath and the doctors had to give him chest compressions. Anyway, he is doing pretty good right now other than the goobers. He has seen way more than his share of suctioning this week as a result.

This is how he falls to sleep most afternoons. You can click this picture for a closer look. Caden's Goobers
There is really not many choices as to whether to leave him like this or not. If you suction him, then he will wake up due to the suctioning. Once it gets backed up enough to start interrupting his breathing, then he will cough, gag, cry, and sometimes retch letting us know he is awake and in need of a pass with the Goober Grabber.

Caden has also been learning some new skills. His physical therapist has been working on jumping with Caden. He loves it. He also is getting very good at walking up and down the stairs. He holds on to the banister pegs as he moves up and down the stairs. Its not the fastest trip up or down the stairs for me while playing his safety net, but it is quite rewarding to watch him do this on his own.
Prayer Request

Sherry and I have a moments where we could use some intercessors to move in on our behalf. I say this because the devil does play on the emotions that come with the exhaustion of dealing with the day-to-day happenings around here. We can and do pray for ourselves regularly, but there is power in praying for others. Please remembers us especially as we come closer to Caden’s next cardiologist visit. That appointment will be on Monday, April 9th. We do not expect trouble and we want to keep it that way. Join us in prayer as we ask for a great report and positive interaction with the doctors. If you will remember, we have not seen these folks since they turned off the pacemaker back in October. There is a video in that post that is very uplifting. It shows Caden as he was just beginning to walk just a couple of weeks before his second birthday.

Thank you for keeping tabs on us. Blessings!!!