Caden and Riley praying at Easter 2007Sherry could not resist this picture. She took this picture of the boys bowing for prayer on Saturday as Pastor Phil opened our Seacoast Summerville Easter festivities(egg hunt) with prayer. It was cold and windy, but we had fun.

It has been a busy couple of weeks. Caden has been doing pretty good. He has been cutting more teeth and with that comes more secretions and more suctioning. There are some good days when the secretions are really light. For instance, on Saturday night we came in from a date at about 11:30pm. Sherry and I relieved Carol from watching the boys. I normally do not go in an check on Caden. Instead I will just listen very closely to the monitor to make sure he is not junkie (needing to be suctioned). Saturday night was one of the rare, but beautiful occasions when he was sleeping as peaceful as ever. In fact, he was so peaceful that I could not even hear him breathing. That is VERY rare and has been know to strike fear in me. The quiet was so alarming on Saturday night that I went to check to make sure he was breathing. Of course, he was breathing. Riley and the Carolina Red Mud ElephantI did cause him to stir, but he did not wake up. Whew!

I guess the other news that I have not shared is about our trip to the zoo a few weeks ago. The pictures did not come out as good as I wanted, but I will share a couple. The big event/excitement at the zoo was that Caden’s g-tube button came out of his belly. We have gone through three g-tube buttons in a month. This time at least the balloon deflated before it came out. The balloon got a hole in it somehow. I had to take Caden out to the van to replace the button. Caden on the carouselFortunately we keep a spare g-tube button in the van or this incident would have caused an emergency room visit. I guess I should use past tense and say we kept a g-tube button in the van. That was our last spare.

We did have a cardiology appointment today, BUT it was a zoo in there. Really, it was. Not only were there more patients in that waiting room than I have ever seen, there were also three dogs. The dogs were those friendly, well-trained dogs, go visit the sick kids variety of dogs. Don’t ask me the breeds, I am not a pooch person. Riley has recently been very afraid of dogs and this made for a great opportunity, although I did plan it that way. I told Sherry to call Riley’s attention to the dogs so he did not get scared if they came up behind him. Then I took Caden over to meet the dogs. Caden is afraid of nothing. He went right up to pet the one that was nearly three times his size. Now, much to my surprise, Riley could not be left out. The next thing I knew I had both boys right in the middle of these three dogs. Riley stayed close, but had to do what his brother was doing. It was fun.

That is where the fun ended at MUSC today. The pediatric cardiology department was WAY over booked. We finally asked to reschedule after sitting in the waiting room for a solid 90 minutes without even seeing a nurse. Caden was getting very agitated. It would not have taken me that long under the circumstances. Caden had been wearing a plastic urine collection bag since before leaving the house over two hours earlier. I won’t even bore you with the story about why he was wearing a urine bag even though it does illustrate what our life at MUSC can be like. Anyway, the cardiology visit was not a total waste. We left with hope that the pacemaker will likely come out in the near future. The nurse did come out to help us try and determine which doctor we really needed to reschedule with. Today we were going to see the pacemaker specialist since that is what they wanted. Baby 2007 The nurse confirmed that they wanted to talk about removing the pacemaker. We are glad of that, but we also want to know how well the aortic valve has progressed. We did reschedule and will see them again in two weeks. Other than that there is no update on Caden’s heart.

Now for the news you have all been waiting for. The results are in and you only need to click on the picture to your right to find out if Riley and Caden will be having a little brother or sister. this coming August. Enjoy!