Is that an okay way to say that our newest addition to the family seems to be comfortable where he is for right now?  Sherry had an OB-GYN appointment today and showed no signs of labor.  The c-section is planned for next Monday 8/13 at 10am unless little JJ decides to get some fresh air a little sooner.

Caden was taken into the doctor today to get an antibiotic.  Sherry, Caden, and I have been fighting some nasal congestion crud that we think we picked up at the water park on the 28th of July.  Sherry and I have been battling this bug with OTC drugs, but our OTC options for Caden are fairly limited.  Our super resilient Riley boy has not had the first sniffle, Praise God.

Please keep Sherry and the baby (JJ) in your prayers as we move closer to a delivery date.  Please pray for a delivery without complications.  I also want to ask you to pray for a couple of kids this week that have touched our hearts and impacted our family greatly.  Please lift up the names Levi and Callie to the Lord and ask for Him to show his healing power through these children this week.  The families of both children also need wisdom, discernment, and strength as they face medical giants.  Please pray that they receive a peace that passes all understanding.