Easter 2009Caden will go in for outpatient ENT surgery on Tuesday.  We will not know the exact time for Tuesday until Monday afternoon.  Caden will:

  1. have an ear tube replaced,
  2. get his adenoids removed, and
  3. get his sinuses cleaned and cultured.

This trip will be through the ambulatory surgery department for the first time in about two years.  Caden’s last trip in for surgery was his last open heart surgery in September 2008.  That visit corrected problems with his heart that forced us into the main operating room for the simplest procedures like ear tubes over recent years due to concerns for his heart condition.  The heart has been doing great and concern for having a cardiologist and heart surgeon near by are no longer an issue.

Once again I realize posting has been light.  We have been in one of those seasons of rough nights.  Caden’s secretions have been horrible at night.  Sherry and I take turns getting up.  I think we were up a total of 4 times between mid-night and 7 AM last night.  That is not uncommon for us these days and makes for some very low quality/quantity nights of sleep.  You get right in the middle of one of those REM deals and here comes Caden.  The good news is that Caden has finally transitioned out of a crib.  The bad news is that Caden has transitioned out of the crib.  You see we no longer have a guessing game of whether he needs to be suctioned.  Now he can just come tell us…AND he does just that.  There is no way to describe the 90 degree angle view of his little mug I get when he props his chin on his folded arms at about 2:43 AM and says, “AY EY” in his raspy little voice.  The first time it happened was like a scene from a scary movie.  Now it is just getting old.  I am ready for the goobers to be gone for his sake and ours.

I will be updating my Twitter account and Facebook as things progress on Tuesday.  I will try to post an update here on Caden’s Page later in the week.