Caden is improving after a very eventful 24 hours. Last night at about 3AM Caden’s O2 sats dropped rapidly and continued to drop until we got him stabilized at about 5AM on 8 liters of oxygen via  a mask. He went to bed earlier in the evening on 1/2 liter of oxygen via nasal cannula and took the dive in the middle of the night. At first it was suspected that he was having a relapse of pneumonia. Once he was stabilized and everyone was able to step back and review current x-rays against older ones it was determined that this was a case of acute Atelectasis. This is a fairly common occurrence in post operative patients where a lung will partially or totally collapse. The treatment was to give him extra oxygen while trying to get Caden’s lung back fully inflated by getting him coughing and breathing deeper. We brought his Hill-Rom Vest in to help him start coughing by vibrating some of the mucus loose in his lungs and airway. He also go up and went to the play room once he was able to get back to a point of using only the nasal cannula again. Tonight he is sleeping comfortably on 2 liters of oxygen via a nasal cannula.

We expect to discharge sometime tomorrow (Saturday). Caden was moved out of the PICU and into to a regular room this evening. He is back on his normal diet of Nestle Compleat (purred chicken dinner) delivered via g-tube three time per day. He has been taken off the telemetry monitoring and has only a pulseoxometer that shows his O2 sats and heart rate (same type monitoring equipment we have at home).

Things are home were a little more challenging that normal because all three of our other boys are coughing and having a hard time sleeping. In addition JJ in particular wanted to see Caden so bad today but was not allowed due to his own illness and Caden being in the ICU. I did call Sherry and asked her to put Caden on the phone to talk to JJ and Riley after dinner. I was able to have dinner with Riley, JJ, and Levi before leading our Growing Kids God’s Way class through a lesson on the Touch Points of Love tonight. I know, I know, we probably should have cancelled class, but Sherry and I wanted to get past that lesson since the next chapter is The Father’s Mandate. That next chapter for dads will make for a great follow-on lesson to the new Courageous Movie opening next Friday night. We are meeting our class at the theatre to view the movie together during our normal class time next week. We highly encourage you to support this movie by getting out and to see it next weekend during its opening weekend. This movie is produced by the same guys who did Fireproof and Facing the Giants.

Thank you all for your prayers and kind words via Facebook these past few days. Please continue to pray for:

– Caden’s rapid and complete recovery
– Caden’s protection from illnesses, infections, and complications
– Caden’s comfort and continued self-control.
Health, understanding and compassion for Riley, JJ and Levi
– Patience for Joe (Grandpa) as he cares for the other three boys
– Continued decrement, humility, and thankfulness for Sherry and me