Archive for the 'Health Insurance' Category

Sunday, January 2nd, 2011

Caden has been experiencing some pain with a piece of titanium hardware that is protruding against his skin from the inside.  Caden had a follow up visit with the orthopedic surgeon this past week.  The surgeon originally wanted to perform Caden’s next surgery (rod adjustment) at about the six month mark from his his original […]

Tuesday, November 10th, 2009

Caden has been admitted to the hospital for the third time in as many months.  This time for dehydration.  All but one person who has been in our home in the past four days has come down with some form of a nasty stomach bug that lasted 12-24 hours.  JJ, Riley and I had nausea, […]

Thursday, October 15th, 2009

In my last post I talked about the ER visit that we did due to fever and noise in Caden’s left lung.  That visit ultimately led to a follow up with a pulmonologist last Thursday October 8th.  The pediatrician was concerned with this lingering fluid on Caden’s lung that appears to have never cleared up […]