This following list of links are to guide you to more information on the conditions and treatments for things that Caden has been diagnosed with. These sites are not part of Caden’s page. Please send us an email of you find that one of these links is no longer working. Thanks, Hank O.

Heart Links

Description of Caden’s heart defect from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

Another description with graphics of Caden’s heart defect from the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHoP) information on 22q11.2 deletions

Velo-Cardio-Facial Syndrome (VCFS) Educational Foundation, Inc

G-Tube Links

Mini Button – This is the “button” style g-tube that Caden started using as of July 20, 2005. Applied Medical Technology, Inc is the maufacturer of this g-tube and a picture of the Mini Button it is featured on their web site.

Small Picture of the KC MIC Feeding Tube – This MIC g-tube was inserted after Caden’s Nissen Funleplication on June 6, 2005. It malfuntioned to a point that casued a trip tot he emergency room to ge to be replaced durignthe first week of July.

Original Feeding Tube – This g-tube in very similar to the one that was inserted on December 28, 2004 just a few days before Caden’s inital discharge from the hospital. The Nissen Fundoplication procedure performed in June 2005 requires a tube that is held in by a balloon rather than a disc.

Nissen Fundoplication Links

Nissen Fundoplication Illustrations – This link provides a graphical representation of one form of Nissen.

Nissen Fundoplication on Wikipedia – The wiki page has plenty of information and links about the Nissen procedure.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

December 14th, 2005

This following list of links are to guide you to more information on the conditions and treatments for things that Caden has been diagnosed with. These sites are not part of Caden’s page. Please send us an email of you find that one of these links is no longer working. Thanks, Hank O.

Heart Links

Description of Caden’s heart defect from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

Another description with graphics of Caden’s heart defect from the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHoP) information on 22q11.2 deletions

Velo-Cardio-Facial Syndrome (VCFS) Educational Foundation, Inc

G-Tube Links

Mini Button – This is the “button” style g-tube that Caden started using as of July 20, 2005. Applied Medical Technology, Inc is the maufacturer of this g-tube and a picture of the Mini Button it is featured on their web site.

Small Picture of the KC MIC Feeding Tube – This MIC g-tube was inserted after Caden’s Nissen Funleplication on June 6, 2005. It malfuntioned to a point that casued a trip tot he emergency room to ge to be replaced durignthe first week of July.

Original Feeding Tube – This g-tube in very similar to the one that was inserted on December 28, 2004 just a few days before Caden’s inital discharge from the hospital. The Nissen Fundoplication procedure performed in June 2005 requires a tube that is held in by a balloon rather than a disc.

Nissen Fundoplication Links

Nissen Fundoplication Illustrations – This link provides a graphical representation of one form of Nissen.

Nissen Fundoplication on Wikipedia – The wiki page has plenty of information and links about the Nissen procedure.