All is pretty good in the Osborne camp. The entire family has been through the ringer with the sinus junk that has been going around. Riley is the only one who was able to escape the use of antibiotics. Yes, Josiah even got his first taste of antibiotics this past week after more than ten days of decongestant with no change. We are all slowly pulling out of the funk we have been in.

I have a few pictures and a video to share. There’s more coming, I promise. I am putting together something special from the train trip. It will have some video and still pictures in it. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the following.

The following picture was taken this weekend. The older boys (me included) have been enjoying the cool outside temperatures.

Cadena nd Riley

The next one was taken of Riley and Josiah a few days ago.

Riley and Josiah

Last but not least. A video of Josiah jabbering at Mommy. The movement is caused by the fact that he is laying on the foot stool for the glider rocker. He started hamming it up while Sherry was changing his clothes tonight so I ran and got out the camera.

Oh yeah…The SC low country parenting class schedule for 2008 is taking shape. Also, don’t miss the posts on There are about two new posts being added per week over there and they are all good.  There is a place in the side bar to subscribe to get RSS feeds or email alerts when the site is updated.  This is a great way to stay current.

You might also get a laugh and a smile (if you like a little extra cash in your wallet) from my most recent post over at The Land of Ozz. Here is a snippet:

“It seems that there is a new tax law in South Carolina…I was so shocked by the tax amount, or rather lack of tax, that I called the Wal-Mart store to ask if their registers were malfunctioning.”

I hope you enjoy! Blessings!