Caden has been doing good for the past 24 hours. Caden has done great on his CPAP trials which exercise and test his breathing while the machine is in standby mode. We expect to hear the doctors talk about removing the breathing machine in the next day or two. Caden’s diarrhea continues to go away. Caden’s daily lab results (blood tests) have come back good two days in a row. They are so good that the doctors have not needed to make adjustments the PH of his blood in two days.

I know it is a weird hour to get an update. I ended up staying with Caden last night. He was doing okay but the nurses seemed to have a harder time getting Caden settled. I just did not feel comfortable leaving Caden with folks that might not be able to settle him. Too much excitement right now could tire him out very easily. I stayed through the night and Sherry relieved me at 5:00 AM this morning. Caden is becoming much more aware of his surroundings and he is reacting to Sherry and me when it comes to comforting him. He did great all night long. I got to hold him for about an hour and a half yesterday. Sherry got to hold him again too.

Please know that your prayers are being answered. Caden is acting much more like a one month old every day. Yes, he turned one month yesterday. We can not thank you enough for your continued prayer and support. Caden is a great success story for what God will do if you just ask and you get a front row seat.

Thank you again for your concern and love for our family. May God Bless You and Yours!!!

Hank O

If you are in the Charleston area you may be able to hear our story on the radio. A local FM station Coast 92.5 is running a “Coast-A-Thon” to raise money for the MUSC Children’s Hospital. We were asked if we would like to tell our story over the radio. The Coast-A-Thon runs through tomorrow. Our story has not been aired yet, but it may happen tomorrow.