Caden is doing great. Today I took some new pictures of him. Caden was having such a great evening. See his new pictures here. You will also want to check out the video of Riley singing Jesus Loves the Little Children. It was a priceless performance. Go here to see it.

The new nurse did not work out. She reported to the agency that she was not comfortable with the case. At least it solved our dilemma as to whether to give her another chance or not.

We have rearranged our schedule a little to see how it works for Sherry and me. I am now taking the night shift until I get her up between 2am and 3am depending on when she gets to bed. I then go to bed until time to go to work or until Sherry wakes me up on a weekend day. It seems to be working pretty good so far. We have been on this schedule since Wednesday.

Congratulations to the Youngs on their new addition. Mom and baby are reported to be home and doing great. Praise God!