We are still here and may be here up into the weekend based on events of today. Sherry had a bunch of doctors come by today. We finally got to see some familiar faces with Caden’s ENT doctor, general surgeon, and endocrinologist stopping by.

Rough Night

Last night (Monday night) was very rough for Caden. His fever reached 104 again for the first time since being admitted. As I said in last night’s post Caden was also put on fairly high dose of oxygen while he is sleeping. This all happened approximately 12 hours after getting his first dose of Rocephin which is a strong broad spectrum antibiotic. The general practice doctors have started this antibiotic more for precautionary reasons since no test results have identified the source of the fevers. The blood cultures have not grown anything after 48 hours and none of the other tests have shown a definite cause for fevers.

The good news is that once we got the fever down last night Caden has had a pretty good day.

Week to come

A talk with the general surgeon has us looking to a possible surgical procedure on Friday. The surgeon does not think the little nodule next to the g-tube is the source of the fever, but he is interested in getting the g-tube moved to give that area of Caden’s tummy some relief. He said that there is a chance the spot could develop into infection if it continues to drain and expose that area of tissue. I missed that conversation and the nurse cannot find notes on Caden’s chart showing a plan for surgery on Friday so I sent an email to the surgeon as well as the ENT doc and cardiology. ENT was included because we want to take advantage of any anesthesia to get the ear tube replaces. There is also interest in getting a culture of the sinuses and that cannot be done without anesthesia. Cardiology needs to be consulted for any anesthesia for Caden.

Storm Watch – Hanna

Another big concern will be whether Hurricane Hanna will make landfall near here. I know she is a tropical storm tight now but all predictions are pretty much marking her as a hurricane by the time the US mainland is hit. Sherry and I have quizzed MUSC on their evacuation policies. It looks like one or all of us may be in for a minimum of a three day stay if the storm does cause evacuations before Caden is discharged. Tomorrow Sherry and I will make a determination on whether she and the other boys will evacuate and where they will go if voluntary evacuations begin as I suspect they may by late day tomorrow.

It’s a Good Night So Far

It is almost 2AM Tuesday night and Caden is sleeping sound. He has shown no signs of fever. He is back on the 10 liters of O2 to maintain his sats in the 90s.

I am off to get some rest. I did get a pretty good nap this afternoon. Riley had to come wake me up since I set my alarms for AM instead of PM. Riley and Josiah both have stood up well to the back and forth to the hospital this week as Sherry and I have taken turns with Caden. Sherry and I are both tired, but otherwise we are holding up pretty well.

We appreciate your prayers and support.