Caden is very stable.  They are just now putting Caden on heart lung bypass at a few minutes after 9am 9/22/08.  The nurse practitioner said that updates will be coming about once per hour until they are finished with surgery.  We have been issued a pager that allows them to update us directly from the operating room.

Caden was very “comfortable” when the anesthesiologist took him back this morning to surgery.  They gave him some medicine (versd) in his g-tube to help calm him down and make him drowsy.  It worked well.

We should know about whether they will be doing the valve repalcement (Ross Procedure) within the next couple of hours.  The anesthesiaologist says the Ross Procedure will make the surgery time last nearly 12 hours.  The surgery should be only six hours of the Ross Procedure is not required.

Please refer to previous posts for more information and specific prayer requests:

Heart Surgery Details